Nägel > Nagelfarben

Verleihen Sie Ihren Nägeln mit unserer Kollektion an Nagellacken den perfekten letzten Schliff. Von zeitlosen Klassikern bis hin zu kräftigen, trendigen Farbtönen finden Sie hochwertige Lacke mit satter Pigmentierung, langanhaltendem Halt und makellosem Finish.

ORLY Breathable Cuticle Oil 18ml ORLY Breathable Cuticle Oil 18ml
ORLY Breathable Calcium Boost 18ml
ORLY Breathable Protein Boost  18ml
ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color - Rehab 18ml
ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color - Pamper Me 18ml
Essie Nail Polish - Off Tropic 13.5ml
Essie Nail Polish - Sunshine State Of Mind 13.5ml
ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color - Fairy Godmother 18ml ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color - Fairy Godmother 18ml
ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color - Sweet Serenity 18ml ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color - Sweet Serenity 18ml
ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color - Almond Milk 18ml ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color - Almond Milk 18ml
Essie Nail Polish - Poolside Service 13.5ml
ORLY Breathable Treatment + Shine 18ml
ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color - The Antidote 18ml
ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color - White Tips 18ml ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color - White Tips 18ml
ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color - Namaste Healthy 18ml ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color - Namaste Healthy 18ml
ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color - Vitamin Burst 18ml ORLY Breathable Treatment + Color - Vitamin Burst 18ml