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Inspired by the sweetest carry-on voyager to ever live, twenty-something flights through five countries, smooshed into the smallest spaces, his entourage clickity-clacking through the Côte d’Azur in black YSLs and tan spiked stiletto Louboutins, one of them with a belly out to therrrre, DJ’ing with mint tea on a deep aqua tufted velvet ottoman somewhere on an Island in Sweden, a virgin bubbly pink aperitif at Soho House NY, cabbing in freezing London five blocks to the best view in the world right above the Thames. And every place she went, he went too, with a smile that could even be seen in the belly, through a mask, in the dark, between tears, and through all that is difficult and beautiful, forever and ever and never apart, amen.
BPA or Bisphenol A is a chemical found in plastic water bottles. It has been linked to a host of ailments including increased risk of cancer, obesity, early-onset puberty, and diabetes. While many plastic products contain BPA replacements, we don't want to find out 10 years from now that those aren't safe either. There is no BPA in your bkr and there isn't a BPA replacement in it either.