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Inspired by the inevitable and beautiful mist that covers a city that’s never bothered to be like anywhere else. Waking up in the early morning to the dull roar of a foghorn and a view of nothing, permission to not feel guilty about staying home, the consoling protective layer that makes light softer and sounds quieter, and everything that is partially whimsical, partially gloomy, completely relentless, hair-frizzing and ethereal, that pushes us inward. “Someone’s stolen Oakland,” she says dryly, draped in baggy sweats and thick socks, sipping coffee and staring out the window at where the bay bridge would normally be, cosy in a home literally inside of a cloud.
BPA or Bisphenol A is a chemical found in plastic water bottles. It has been linked to various ailments, including increased risk of cancer, obesity, early-onset puberty, and diabetes. While many plastic products contain BPA replacements, we don't want to find out 10 years from now that those aren't safe either. There is no BPA in your bkr and there isn't a BPA replacement in it either.